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Bankruptcy Jax Attorney

Navigating the decision to bankruptcy

Bankruptcy is a process whereby an “automatic stay” on collection efforts and civil court proceedings is imposed.

Bankruptcy laws and procedures are complex, and only an attorney can give you proper legal advice regarding bankruptcy.
The decision to file for bankruptcy is not easy.  Speaking to someone who knows the latest laws and regulations is important.  Call J. Dinkins Grange for a consultation 904-652-0060.

Money Roll Banckruptcy Jacksonville
Secured debt vs unsecured debt.

What is difference when filing for bankruptcy?
View the video and then call our office to discuss your options
– 904-652-0060.

J. Dinkins G. Grange is a consumer bankruptcy attorney helping people with their financial situations. As a bankruptcy lawyer Mr Grange helps people find various alternatives towards handling their financial problems, and if needed, can provide legal assistance to consumers seeking relief under the bankruptcy code.

The Law Office of J. Dinkins G. Grange is centrally located in Green Cove Springs and serves Baker, Clay, and  Duval, and Nassau counties.

Mr. Grange is a member of the National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys (, Jacksonville Bankruptcy Bar Association, American Bar Association, Florida Bar, and Jacksonville Bar Association and is designated as a debt relief agency by Congress and the United States Supreme Court and helps clients file for bankruptcy relief under the bankruptcy code.

Mr. Grange can be contacted by email at Mr. Grange is available by appointment during the week and most evenings.